This is my language arts and math pics board.
This is one of my whiteboards in the front of my room. Since I will be playing Prove It each day, I decided to create an area to record student answers, along with effort points, answer points, and penalty points. You will also notice my Wacky Star Fun Button, a place to keep track of Mind Soccer minutes, and oral writing reminders. By the side of the board are posters that will be used during Mind Soccer.
This is my Genius Ladder. I decided to place my stop light transition words on the side of the ladder, so that my students will have easy access to them.
Here is my scoreboard with rule one above it. At the bottom of the scoreboard is an area for Beat the Clock, and a space for the Guff Counter, if I need it.
I decided to create a board with all of the Brain Toys.
Here is my Super Improvers Board and classroom rules.
I call this my Brainies Board. I was originally going to create a tree map, but I did not have the space. I created this board for me as much as I did for the kids. If I forget one of the gestures, all I have to do is peek at the board. Having all of the Brainies posted will also be helpful when we play Competition Brainies.
Here is a view of my classroom from the back.
This is the wall by the classroom door. The black bulletin board you see next to the language arts pic board is my writing skill focus board, which will be used in conjunction with red/green writing. Right now the only skill listed is neat handwriting. I will add skills to the board as they are introduced.
I hope that you enjoyed this mini-tour of my classroom. Be sure to check back next week. I will be posting my complete day one lesson plans.
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