Day One Lesson Plan
9:00-10:45 (Stop to pick up breakfast and eat when called down to the lunchroom.)
*Class Yes
Please look at me. My name is Miss Ray, and I am so happy that you are here. When I say class, you say yes, fold your hands in a listening position, and look at me with laser eyes. Practice.
*Introduce and practice rule one
Rule one is follow directions quickly. When I say rule one, you say follow directions quickly. Let's try that again, but be fast. Give rule one commands: Look up. Look down. Raise one hand. (Faster.) Raise both hands. We have rule one so that we will have a fun organized classroom.
*Introduce the Scoreboard
We are going to play a very fun game called Scoreboard, and all you have to do to win is keep the scorekeeper happy. I am the scorekeeper. When I put a mark under the smiley face, that means that you are following a rule and making the scorekeeper, me, happy. When you see me making the mark, you will clap your hands together quickly and say Oh yea. Let's practice. Practice. When you are doing something that makes me, the scorekeeper, unhappy, you will receive a mark under the frownie face. When you see me making the mark, you will quickly shrug your shoulders and groan. Practice. Next practice rule one using the scoreboard. Stand Up. Too slow. Groan. Sit down. Still to slow. Groan. Look at your partner. Oh yeah! etc.
*Play the Name Game
1. Emphasize how quickly everyone must respond.
2. When I point at you, quickly say your name.
3. No matter how the child responds, say, "Louder please."
4. If a child is shy, skip him/her.
5. After pointing to a few kids, say to the class, "Repeat after me." Point to these students one at a time. Say each name and have the class repeat the name. If you forget a name, simply say to the class, "Who is this?" They will tell you.
6. Continue this pattern with the remainder of the class.One minute fun burst: Practice Rule one using different voices. Teacher leads.
*Heavy Duty Practice of Rule One Using 3-peats:
- red folders
- folders away
- pencils out
- pencils up
- pencils away
- bodies and chairs
- seats
- line
10:55-11:10 Introduce "Silent Mirror" and "Mirror Off" by having students copy teacher's movements using big gestures and stopping when the teacher says, "Mirrors Off". One minute fun burst: Students take turns mirroring each other. Peanut butters begin. (Students will learn who peanut butters are and who jellies are.) Then use "Silent Mirror" to introduce procedures for bathroom, water, and tissue.
11:10-11:20 Prepare for lunch
11:120-11:50 Lunch
11:50-12:35 Intro. "Teach Okay" to review rule one and introduce rules two and three.
Step One: "When I clap twice, you clap twice;" Do.
"When I clap twice and say teach, you clap twice and say okay." Do.
*Repeat until all students follow smoothly and quickly. Use scoreboard.
Step Two: Repeat above, but add full body turn. Practice until all students follow smoothly and quickly. Use scoreboard.
Step Three: "I want you when you turn to your neighbor to use big gestures and repeat rule one over and over, until I call you back with class.
* Do this step over and over until all students follow smoothly, use a full body turn, and big gestures.
Intro. rule two using non-examples: Ask a student to blurt out while you are talking. Congratulate him! Great blurting! Then say, “Class, let’s do that again. But this time when Jack interrupts me, I’ll say Rule 2 and you exclaim, making the hand motion, ‘Raise your hand for permission to speak!”
Students practice rule two using "Teach Okay".
Intro. rule three using non examples: Ask a student to leave his seat without permission. Great job of breaking the rule. Jack leaves his seat again, you call out Rule 3, and the kids exclaim, “Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat!’
Students practice rule three using "Teach Okay".
One minute fun burst: Students practice rules one, two, and three with partner using silly voices.
12:35-1:25 Specials: Art (While students are at specials, teacher will assign student numbers.)
1:25-1:55 Introduce students to Super Speed Math.
One minute fun burst: Use "Teach Okay" to practice the first three rules with your partner, using the silliest voices that you can.
1:55-2:55 Show Oral Writing posters (Question, Answer, Adders, Concluder). Question: What was the best part of today? Students use "Teach Okay" and "Tag Team Switch" to answer. Emphasize that questions must be answered in complete sentences. Intro. gesture for complete sentences, along with the capital and period Brainies, and model what this would look like using the following posted sentence frame: The best part about today was ______________________. Students use "Teach Okay" and "Tag Team Switch" to answer. Ask a couple of students to share introducing at this time the procedure for sharing: Call on student and gesture toward him/her. Other students gesture towards student and does 3-peat of students name. Selected student stands and says, "class." The class answers, "yes." The selected student then shares his/her sentence and sits down. Teacher leads class in a "ten finger wooh" for the student. Students take out writing notebooks. Students write their sentence in their notebooks with a focus on neatness. (Point out the writing board where the label neatness is displayed.) Teacher walks around and does red/green writing, focusing only on neatness. Teacher introduces adders. Use the same procedures for adders that were just used with the answer. When students share their adders, teacher models walking fingers down arm. If an adder is off topic, teacher falls off mountain and says, "Off topic." Note: If time is short, students will only share adders orally, but will not record in notebooks. f students do a good job with their oral writing, draw one line of the Wacky Star Fun Button, but do not explain it.
One minute fun burst: Using magic mirrors teacher calls out a gesture or Brainie learned today, and students must show that gesture/Brainie. (Mirror, Tag Team Switch, capital, period, complete sentence please, adder, rules one-three)
2:55-3:16 End of day procedures: Introduce "Circle Walk" for students to pick up their backpacks. Collect any supplies at that time that students have in backpacks. Explain green folders (anything inside green folders goes home). Teach procedure for stacking chairs. Assign students their permanent number. When they line up to go home, they are to line up in number order. Explain to students that from now on, they will always line up in this order.
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